Hair Thinning Causes and Treatments

Hair thinning does not discriminate. It affects adults of all ages and genders. You can take steps to treat or prevent hair thinning, but it helps to understand what causes hair loss in the first place. Let’s explore some common causes of hair thinning and the treatments available to address them.

Common Causes of Hair Thinning

Most people associate balding with old age, but it can happen in your 20s. Hair thinning is linked to genetics, but that is not the only factor to keep in mind. Here are some common causes of hair loss:

  • Female- or Male-Pattern Baldness: Typically the result of genetics. Most men experience a receding hairline, but women may notice thinning along their part line.
  • Certain Medications and Medical Treatments: The most obvious example of hair thinning from medication is hair loss from cancer treatments. However, there are many other medications and treatments that may affect hair production or retention.
  • Pregnancy Hair Loss: Many women experience hair loss during pregnancy, followed by regrowth after birth.
  • Alopecia Areata: This is a condition in which the immune system attacks the hair follicles. It can affect hair throughout the body, including beards and eyelashes.
  • Aging and Hormone Changes: Your hair thickness may change with age or hormone shifts, such as menopause, thyroid conditions, etc. Some of these factors are beyond your control, but you can take steps to combat their effects.

How to Treat Hair Thinning

Now that you understand what causes hair thinning, you can explore different ways to combat it. Some hair loss treatments are more effective than others, depending on your unique circumstances. Your hair restoration options may include the following:

  • Hair Follicle Transplant: This process involves transplanting follicles from one part of your body to another. It is ideal for treating complete baldness in certain areas, but it is more extensive and invasive than the other treatments on this list.
  • PRP Treatment for Hair Restoration: Platelet-rich plasma treatment (PRP) utilizes your own cells to stimulate hair follicle production. It cannot help areas with total balding, but it can re-ignite dormant follicles. If you need a follicle transplant to address balding, PRP can maximize production after the fact.
  • Topical Hair Thinning Treatments: These solutions come in the form of a spray, foam, or liquid. They apply to the scalp to encourage blood flow to your hair follicles. Topical solutions are usually less expensive than PRP, but they are not nearly as effective.

Beware of gimmicky hair restoration techniques that sound too good to be true. At Michigan Center For Regenerative Medicine, we have a one-on-one consultation with each client to manage their expectations and prepare them for realistic results. Reach out to our office to learn more about PRP hair treatment.

Hair Thinning Prevention Tips

Early intervention can keep hair thinning to a minimum. This is especially true if you pursue PRP treatment. PRP can ignite the follicles you have left before they die off. Preserve the follicles you have and jumpstart production for dormant follicles.

If you are on medications that may increase your risk of hair thinning, talk to your doctor about possible alternatives. Avoid bleaching your hair or doing anything that may damage your long-term hair health. Use a satin or silk pillowcase to prevent pulling your hair when you sleep.

Find out if you are a good candidate for PRP hair restoration by calling (248) 216-1008. Our consultations are free of charge, and we will only recommend PRP if we think you have a strong chance of success. 

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