Nerve Pain Stimulation near Maumee OH
There are several methods of nerve pain stimulation near Maumee OH, but all of them tend to work in the same way. Nerve pain stimulation is a therapy in which very low amounts of electrical current are used to reduce the levels of pain felt by a patient. Devices are implanted (after a suitable testing period) beneath the skin to deliver electrical impulses close to nerves that are transmitting sensations of chronic pain.
It is the purpose of nerve pain stimulation near Maumee OH techniques to allow patients to deal with their feelings of chronic pain so that they are able to get on with their lives. The Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine is one place that promotes and provides a number of regenerative medicine techniques that help the body deal naturally with physical ailments, trauma and ongoing issues.
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How Does Nerve Pain Stimulation Near Maumee OH Work?
There are two ways in which nerve pain stimulation near Maumee OH works. The first way is by stimulating nerve cells that block the transmission of pain signals. While your body still ‘feels’ the pain, the way your brain interprets the pain is modified. Instead of ‘feeling’ chronic pain, you will feel a sensation that has been described as a ‘mild tingling’ by people who have already undergone nerve pain stimulation near Maumee OH.
The second way in which nerve pain stimulation near Maumee OH works is that the electrical impulses raise the level of endorphins that are sent to the brain. Endorphins are produced by the body to help the brain deal with sensations of pain. Pain-killing medication works in much the same way – increasing the amount of chemicals in the brain that block pain sensation. Unlike pain-killing medication, though, nerve pain stimulation near Maumee OH is completely non-addictive.
Nerve pain stimulation near Maumee OH is suitable for a number of painful conditions, including disease and inflammation of the joints, muscle aches and pains, tendinitis, bursitis and diabetic neuropathy.
To Learn More About Nerve Pain Stimulation Near Maumee OH, Contact MCFRM
At the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine, we can help your body heal itself naturally with any one of our regenerative medicine therapies, which also includes platelet-rich plasma therapy and stem cell banking. To learn more, please feel free to contact us at any time. To do so, please call us at (248) 216-1008. You can also contact us online right here.
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