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Plasma Injections Near Northville MI

The Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine offers platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections to treat several musculoskeletal injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, tenosynovitis and bursitis. We offer a more hopeful and effective means of addressing chronic pain – by addressing the root cause rather than apply a Band-Aid solution, which is what medications, injections and surgery do. Rest assured, there’s a better way.

With so many people suffering daily from musculoskeletal injuries, long-term pain and physical disability is unfortunately a way of life. It doesn’t have to be. Plasma injections near Northville MI can help, using platelets from your own blood.

According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, while platelets are known for helping blood to clot, they are also teeming with hundreds of proteins known as growth factors that are crucial in the healing of injuries. Thus, by using your own blood, we can isolate and concentrate those platelets, injecting them back into the injured area for the most benefit.

If plasma injections near Northville MI intrigue you, we encourage you to call The Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine for a consultation at (248) 216-1008.

Avoid Surgery and Addictive Prescription Drugs

Contact the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine Today and Schedule Your Office Visit

PRP and its Benefits

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections, common in sports therapy for two decades already, are making the jump into more mainstream applications. PRP has been known to improve the rate of wound healing and bone-grafting procedures in a variety of areas such as neurosurgery, maxillofacial surgery, otolaryngology and orthopedic surgery. Research shows it’s particularly effective at treating musculoskeletal injuries of the muscles, bones, tendons, nerves, blood vessels and soft tissues.

You are at increased risk for these types of injuries if you maintain fixed positions for long periods of time, perform repetitive movements of the limbs, exert pressure on various body parts or work at high speeds.

PRP can help with all of these. Here are some benefits:

  • Speedier return to normal activity thanks to quicker healing process
  • Localized treatment for most effective results
  • Reduced dependence on medications such as opioids that can become addictive and bring on severe withdrawal symptoms
  • Reduced reliance on physical therapy
  • Lessened need for invasive surgery and long recovery times

PRP therapy is desired because it doesn’t just mask pain but instead addresses the root cause. Thus, it’s gaining increasing acceptance as a trusted treatment for sports-related injuries, allowing athletes to return more quickly to competition after injury. This includes both contact sports (football, basketball, etc.) and solo sports (figure skating and golf).

Certified Advanced Hip Orthobiologic Core Injection Skills
Certified Intermediate Spine Orthobiologic Injections
Certified Advanced Knee Orthobiologic Core Injection Skills
APCA Registered in Musculoskeletal Sonography

Quick preparation and delivery are two of the main benefits of plasma injections near Northville MI. Just 30 minutes after giving your blood sample, you are ready to receive your injection. Featuring minimal risks and high effectiveness rates, the process involves separating the platelets from other blood cells and concentrating them via centrifugation. Those concentrated platelets are subsequently re-combined with the remaining blood, then the platelet-rich blood is injected directly into the injured area. We ensure accuracy via ultrasound or x-ray.

The healing process in total takes between six and eight weeks but many people report feeling much better by week two than they did before the procedure. You will likely require one treatment, but those with more severe conditions and diseases may need two or more treatments.

Contact The Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine for Plasma Injections

We are happy to offer you a consultation on how plasma injections near Northville MI can help you, so call The Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine today at (248) 216-1008.

EMG Testing 10 Year Certified
American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians Logo
American Association of Orthopaedic Medicine
American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Interventional Orthobiologics Foundation
Are You A Candidate?

Take Advantage of New Advances in Medical Technology

Contact the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine Today and Schedule Your Office Visit

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