Rotator Cuff Pain Doctor in Michigan
The rotator cuff consists of a group of tendons and muscles that surround the human body’s shoulder joint. The purpose of the rotator cuff is the keep the head of your humerus (the bone that runs from the shoulder to the elbow) firmly within your shoulder socket.
Because the rotator cuff is a complicated set of muscles, and because your shoulder is a well-used, flexible and essential joint, injuries and trauma to the rotator cuff are common. The rotator cuff can also be affected by disease. If your rotator cuff is not functioning as it should or it has become painful, then you will need the services of a rotator cuff pain doctor in Michigan.
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The Doctors at Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine Can Help with Rotator Cuff Pain
Most people can ignore rotator cuff pain during the day while they are active, but when they are resting and especially when they are trying to sleep the pain can become unbearable. Rotator cuff problems are common in people who have physical lives, such as construction workers or professional sports people. With elderly citizens rotator cuff problems become commonplace due to the wear and tear of the joint and muscles over time.
Some rotator cuff injuries are minor and can be treated by ice, rest and physical therapy, but many rotator cuff problems are traumatic, and intervention is needed to restore the human body to full effectiveness again. For professional sportsmen the most common solution is surgery. Construction workers often have to rely upon pain relief medication, such as opioids.
The Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine Offers an Alternative to Invasive Surgery or Addictive Medication
The problem with surgery is that it is intrusive and can cause further problems such as infection. The problems with pain medication are of course widely documented! As your rotator cuff pain doctor in Michigan, here at the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine we offer alternative solutions. We believe that the body has all the resources it needs to bounce back from many ailments, including rotator cuff pain. The regenerative medicine treatments we provide are designed simply to give the body the helping hand it needs to heal itself quickly and effectively.
Why not allow us here at the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine to become your rotator cuff pain doctor in Michigan? To learn more about the therapies that we can hopefully provide you with, call us at (248) 216-1008 or use our online contact form.
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