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How PRP is Used to Treat Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy refers to conditions involving damage to the peripheral nervous system responsible for sending signals between the central nervous system and the rest of the body. More than 20 million people in this country suffer from some form of peripheral neuropathy, of which there are many causes and conditions that can contribute to it. Finding relief and comfort remains a priority for people who suffer from this frustrating condition.

While there are currently many treatments out there for neuropathy, such as medication, there are non-pharmaceutical pain relief options such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) that can help with the pain and numbness. There are many causes and conditions of neuropathy, such as immune diseases like Lupus or Celiac disease. Infections, injury, and trauma can all be to blame for the nerve damage inherent in peripheral neuropathy. Diabetes is one of the most common causes of neuropathy.

A Look at Platelet-Rich Plasma

Known as PRP therapy for short, platelet-rich plasma is an organic healing remedy that relieves pain and promotes healing of the damaged nerves that are associated with neuropathic pain. No medication is involved; rather, the PRP is made from the patient’s own blood, which goes through a process where the plasma gets separated from the red blood cells. The plasma, once separated, is drawn into a syringe and injected back into your body at the site where you are experiencing the neuropathy.

This process triggers the body to begin healing the surrounding tissues. Platelets play a big role in the body’s natural ability to heal. When you are injured, your body sends platelets to the area where they clot, stop the flow of blood, and initiate tissue repair. The PRP injection triggers the body to start healing that specific area while providing growth factors and proteins whose job it is to further assist in the healing process.

The PRP injection process takes only about a half hour, with many patients experiencing relief fairly quickly. This minimally invasive treatment allows you to resume normal activities the same day if you choose.

Why PRP Treatment For Neuropathy?

There are many benefits associated with PRP for peripheral neuropathy. PRP…

  • Helps to regenerate nerve tissues
  • Reduces pain
  • Restores proper function
  • Fights and protects against infections and injuries
  • Includes growth factors and cytokines
  • Provides rejuvenation to the skin through the stimulation of collagen
  • Is all-natural and non-invasive
  • Helps heal damaged ligaments, joints, muscles, and tendons

Because platelet-rich plasma can enhance and promote nerve regeneration, many people feel symptom relief from pain, discomfort, numbness, tingling sensation, and loss of function. The hands and feet happen to be the most common area of the body where neuropathy is experienced. When injected directly into the pain site, PRP starts distributing the necessary growth factors to eliminate as well as protect against neuropathy symptoms.

Contact Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine

To learn more about the benefits of PRP for relief of the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, contact our experienced pain specialists for a free, no-obligation consultation today.

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