"355 Barclay Cir Suite A Rochester Hills MI 48307"

"Latest Advancements in Non-surgical Treatments for Shoulder Pain"

Michigan Center For Regenerative Medicine Has Moved To A New Facility

The team at the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine is proud to announce that we’ve completed our move to a newly redesigned and renovated regenerative medicine clinic. We can still be reached at the same phone number, which is (248) 216-1008.

Why We’re Excited About Our New Regenerative Medicine Clinic

Below are a few things that we really like about our new facility and why we feel strongly that this location will be well suited for us for many years to come.

  • Close To Our Old Location – Our new regenerative medicine clinic is just 2-3 miles from our old location. This ensures our old patients will have no trouble finding our new location.
  • Convenient Location – Rochester Hills, MI is convenient for many of our patients who are located in and around this area. While we also have patients that visit us from out of town, we still think this is a centrally located spot that will serve our clients well.
  • Built From The Ground Up – This new location is completely built from the ground up with regenerative medicine in mind. In our old space we had to work with an inherited floorplan that frankly didn’t work well for some of our needs. We have resolved many of those issues with this new location by designing everything from scratch.
  • 2 Large Procedure Rooms – Our new clinic has two procedure rooms which will allow our regenerative medicine doctors to be more productive and in turn see more patients on a daily basis.
  • 2 Imagine Modalities Available – In our new facility we are able to perform procedures using both ultrasound and fluoroscopic guidance. This allows us to perform more complex cases that previously would have to be completed at another ambulatory center.

Interested In Touring Our New Regenerative Medicine Clinic?

If you’re interested in learning more about our regenerative medicine clinic and even want to tour our new facility, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today by phone at (248) 216-1008 or via email using our online contact form. We’ll be happy to setup a time for you to sit down with one of our regenerative medicine doctors to discuss your needs.