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Q&A With Dr. Thomas Nabity Regarding New Greyledge Technologies Laboratory Equipment

At The Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine, our primary goal has always been to provide the best possible outcome for our patients. With stem cell harvesting, we’ve spent quite a bit of time and resources on equipment and training to ensure that our staff is setup in such a way that we’re able to deliver on this promise to our patients. Recently we’ve joined forces with Greyledge Technologies to completely upgrade our lab to better qualify our patient’s stem cells during the stem cell harvesting process.

In this blog we sat down with our own Dr. Thomas Nabity to ask him a few questions about this new equipment and what it means for our patients.

“Can you explain this new lab equipment and why it’s such a benefit to your patients?” 

Most clinics who are looking to qualify what’s in a syringe after stem cell harvesting can only look at one metric – red blood cell count. Thanks to our updated laboratory equipment from Greyledge, we’re now able to offer full cell differentiation, which gives us 26 different data points so that we’re entirely certain as to what’s actually in the syringe itself.

Furthermore, many other clinics still use antiquated centrifuge systems which don’t have any identifying capabilities, meaning that these practitioners literally have no idea what is in their product.

“What does this new lab equipment from Greyledge Laboratories consist of?” 

We have made a sizable investment in updated lab equipment that includes:

  • A centrifuge machine that spins and separates the cells
  • A protection hood that is used for isolating the stem cells
  • A cell counting machine that quantifies the cells
  • A vent that helps to ventilate the lab in such a way that creates a negative pressure environment to limit contamination

As you can see, our laboratory offers the most advanced stem cell harvesting process in the country. In fact, less than 10 laboratories in the entire country have the capabilities that we now have at our clinic.

“Why did you invest in this new stem cell harvesting equipment?”

We invested in this new technology because we’re highly focused on providing the highest quality product possible for each of our patients. We always want our patients to experience the best possible outcome, and we felt confident that investing in this new lab equipment would ensure that was the case.

“Interested in Learning More About This New Stem Cell Harvesting Technology?

If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of stem cell harvesting, or our state of the art laboratory, feel free to reach out to our team today by phone at (248) 216-1008. If you’d prefer to contact us via email feel free to fill out our online contact form. We’ll be happy to schedule an appointment for you to learn whether this process may be a good fit for some of the health problems you’re currently facing.

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