Nerve Pain Stimulation Near Corktown Detroit MI
Nerve pain stimulation near Corktown Detroit MI is a way of managing sensations of pain and is a form of neurostimulation. Also known as an interventional pain management treatment, for this procedure a semi-permanent peripheral nerve stimulator is implanted beneath the skin if a successful, temporary trial system generates encouraging results.
The stimulator delivers a serious of regular electrical impulses that are under the control of the patient in terms of strength and frequency close to the peripheral nerve that is generating sensations of pain. The idea is that these electrical impulses interfere with and even block the pain signals before they are able to reach the brain.
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Nerve Pain Stimulation Near Corktown Detroit MI Provides An Alternative To Surgery Or Pain Medication
The external aspect of nerve pain stimulation near Corktown Detroit MI is a small device that does not interfere with the patients’ normal activities, day-to-day. Nerve pain stimulation near Corktown Detroit MI has proven to be success in many, many cases, and has proven a more effective and safe solution than alternatives such as surgery or an extensive course of pain medication.
The use of nerve pain stimulation near Corktown Detroit MI is a two-stage process. In the initial, evaluation stage, an external, trial pulse generator is used. This tests the effectiveness of the nerve pain stimulation treatment before a second, more permanent solution is adopted. The patient will typically be asked to rank their pain on a suitable scale before the electrical impulses are switched on, and once they have started generating the pulses. If these result in a significant reduction in pain, then the second stage follows.
In the second stage of nerve pain stimulation near Corktown Detroit MI electrodes and a semi-permanent peripheral nerve pain stimulator may be inserted beneath your skin as a long-term solution. The stimulator can then be controlled wirelessly via an external device.

Nerve Pain Stimulation Near Corktown Detroit MI Can Help With Many Aspects Of Chronic Pain
Nerve pain stimulation near Corktown Detroit MI can help with many different types of pain, including peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage or deterioration), diabetic neuropathy, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), chronic headaches and occipital neuralgia.
If you would like to learn more about nerve pain stimulation near Corktown Detroit MI or any similar regenerative medicine procedure, then please contact the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine today. We can help you make chronic pain a thing of the past – call us at (248) 216-1008, or reach us online through our contact form.

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