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When Does Hair Loss Usually Start with Women and Men?

Stereotypes about hair loss and balding have created a false sense of reality. Most adults associate baldness with old age, but millions of people experience hair thinning in their 20s. If you’re worried about going bald at an early age or losing your hair too soon, there are solutions available to you. Read on to learn about the average age of onset for hair thinning.

Average Age When Adults Start Losing Hair

A male pattern baldness study found that 16% of men aged 18-29 had noticeable hair loss, and that number increased to 53% for men in their 40s. Approximately 40% of women experience hair loss by the age of 50. It is difficult to say when hair loss starts for most adults, but it is safe to say that hair thinning is not uncommon for young adults.

Factors That Increase Risk of Hair Thinning

Genetics and hormonal changes play a large role in hair production. If you have a family history of blandness or hair thinning, you may have a higher risk of early hair loss. Nearly half of pregnant women experience hair loss during their pregnancy, and new research shows a correlation between COVID-19 and increased hair shedding.  

Medications, stress, and lifestyle choices can impact your hair growth. If your hair is constantly pulled back into a tight ponytail, you may experience more hair follicle strain than you would with your hair down. Many hair-thinning factors are beyond your control, but you can combat the effects early on.

What Is the Best Age to Start Hair Restoration?

Proactive hair restoration is always better than reactive hair restoration. The longer you can preserve your hair follicles and hair thickness, the less you’ll have to worry about thinning hair or baldness. Thus, the best age to start hair restoration is as soon as you notice hair thinning.

Many of our clients are in their early 20s and have a family history of hair thinning. They start PRP treatment for hair restoration to excite dormant hair follicles before they die off. PRP is ineffective once the hair follicles are gone, but preventative treatment can keep them in production as long as possible.

Want to find out if you’re a good candidate for PRP hair restoration? Call (248) 846-1466 to schedule your free consultation at Michigan Center For Regenerative Medicine.

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