Stem Cell Storage in Metro Detroit
Stem Cell Storage in Metro Detroit has never been easier. At the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine, we offer stem cell storage options so that your stem cells are ready right when you need them. If you have been searching for a stem cell storage location in Metro Detroit, let the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine ensure that the future of your health is in great hands.
Avoid Surgery and Addictive Prescription Drugs
Contact the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine Today and Schedule Your Office Visit
Investing in Your Long-term Health with Stem Cell Storage
Imagine that twenty years from now, you fall and tear a ligament in your shoulder. This particular type of recovery is long, time consuming and can even lead to surgery. However, stem cells help to effectively treat patients dealing with a wide array of health conditions, including this one. Imagine being able to utilize your stored stem cells to help yourself naturally heal. Investing in stem cell storage will save you a long, time consuming and costly recovery in the long run.
Effectively Treating Your Health with Stem Cell Storage
So how exactly does it work? Is stem cell storage worth it in the long run? When you have an injury, stem cells are injected into the area to attack the root of the issue and repair it. The outcomes of this simple procedure outweigh the risks and benefits of surgery for most patients. Best of all, stem cell storage means that you can hold your stem cells until you are actually ready for them. You never know when an accident or injury may occur. Saving your stem cells and then re-introducing them to your targeted tissue is an almost painless procedure that can be done in just a few short hours.

Stem Cell Storage Benefits
Stem cell storage within Metro Detroit is growing in popularity. At the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine, it is one of our primary specialties that we have been providing for years. Within our time here, so many of our patients have utilized stem cell storage in Metro Detroit and were then able to use this procedure as opposed to many surgical interventions. We believe in our body’s natural ability to heal and achieve the greatest possible outcomes for our patients.
If you are interested in learning more about stem cell storage in Metro Detroit, feel free to give us a call today. At the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine, we are happy to answer your questions over the phone or in person. Please feel free to call us or book your appointment today at (248) 216-1008.

Take Advantage of New Advances in Medical Technology
Contact the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine Today and Schedule Your Office Visit