Stem Cell Banking near West Bloomfield MI

The process of regenerative medicine uses your own body’s resources to tackle issues and injuries as opposed to relying solely upon medication. This non-invasive approach can help the body with multiple issues including chronic pain, sporting injuries, and arthritis all without the need for invasive procedures such as surgery.

One of the regenerative processes supported by the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine is stem cell banking. Stem cells are your body’s supply of ‘super cells’ that help support your natural methods of restoring normal function after some type of health problem. Sadly, as we age, we generate fewer stem cells and the ones we do produce reduce in effectiveness. With stem cell banking near West Bloomfield MI we will store your stem cells for use in future times should you ever need them.

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Some of the Key Benefits of Stem Cell Banking near West Bloomfield MI

The process of banking your stem cells is relatively simple. Adult mesenchymal stem cells are removed painlessly from your bone marrow or adipose tissue (fat cells). These cells are then stored by us at the Michigan Centre for Regenerative Medicine in special suspended animation freezers so that the cells do not age. They can then be revived should you suffer some type of health condition where they will be of benefit to you.

Stem cells are unique in that they have the ability to ‘mutate’ into some of the array of cells that the body needs to function. Stem cells can help to restore normal function, but the stem cells we generate when we are older are not very effective. It makes sense to ‘bank’ our stem stems before they become ineffective, freeze them and then reintroduce them into the body when and if they are needed.

Certified Advanced Hip Orthobiologic Core Injection Skills
Certified Intermediate Spine Orthobiologic Injections
Certified Advanced Knee Orthobiologic Core Injection Skills
APCA Registered in Musculoskeletal Sonography

Stem Cell Banking Can ‘Future Proof’ You Against Certain Ailments

There are plenty of health issues that stem cells can help with, including spinal disc herniations, osteoarthritis, chronic pain conditions, and avascular necrosis to name just a few. When and if you encounter these issues, it makes sense to use your own body’s naturally-produced resources to give you the best chance of being restored back to full health.

If you are interested in stem cell banking near West Bloomfield MI and would like to learn more, then please contact us here at the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine. We can be contacted by phone at (248) 216-1008, or you can use the online contact form that is available on our website to setup a free consultation with one of our medical doctors.

EMG Testing 10 Year Certified
American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians Logo
American Association of Orthopaedic Medicine
American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Interventional Orthobiologics Foundation
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