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PRP Injections near Detroit MI

Looking for a more effective solution that can address your chronic pain? There’s something better out there that doesn’t have to involve surgery and pain pills. PRP injections near Detroit MI don’t just hide chronic pain like the way conventional injections can. Instead, you can think of it as healing your body from within.

The Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine can successfully treat chronic injuries using platelet-rich plasma (PRP), such as carpal tunnel, tendinitis and bursitis. PRP injections near Detroit MI brings a reduced reliance on opioids and quicker return to normal activities. If you have long-term pain, discomfort and physical disabilities due to injury, or are an athlete, consider PRP injections near Detroit MI.

There are many benefits that come with PRP injections. PRP injections near Detroit MI can:

  1. Prevent the need for invasive and expensive surgery.
  2. Reduce the need for time consuming and expensive physical therapy.
  3. Allow you to return to normal activity faster due to its wide-ranging healing abilities.
  4. Reduce your reliance on addicting opioids associated with severe withdrawal symptoms.
  5. Provide localized injections for high-level results.

Reach out to the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine for a free consultation at (248) 216-1008.

Avoid Surgery and Addictive Prescription Drugs

Contact the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine Today and Schedule Your Office Visit

Our Process: PRP Injections Near Detroit MI

The whole process of PRP injections near Detroit MI takes about a half hour once you give your blood sample. Best part is, PRP injections near Detroit MI works through the use of your own blood, which is re-injected with concentrated platelets into the injury site for best results.

If you remain in a fixed position throughout the day, such as working at a computer or desk, doing the same motions over and over, you are at a higher risk for musculoskeletal injuries. If you’re an athlete, you’re also at a high risk. If you are a good candidate for PRP injections near Detroit MI, you can expect:

  • During PRP injections near Detroit MI, Your platelets will be separated from other types of blood cells, using concentrated centrifugation.
  • We then combine those concentrated platelets with the rest of your blood.
  • We then inject it right back into the area of pain, guiding all injections with ultrasound or x-ray for precision.

Why not ask us about PRP injections near Detroit MI today?

Certified Advanced Hip Orthobiologic Core Injection Skills
Certified Intermediate Spine Orthobiologic Injections
Certified Advanced Knee Orthobiologic Core Injection Skills
APCA Registered in Musculoskeletal Sonography

Chronic Pain Management: PRP Injections Near Detroit MI

Most people just need one injection but some people, such as those with a severe condition or disease, may require multiple rounds of PRP injections near Detroit MI.

PRP injections near Detroit MI isn’t really new. But it’s been gaining mainstream attention for its chronic pain management solutions due to its quick preparation, delivery method and alternative to surgery. Full healing from start to finish is just about eight weeks or less.

To boost your quality of life and decrease reliance on drugs and surgery, try PRP injections near Detroit MI.

Contact the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine For PRP Injections Near Detroit MI

To schedule your no-obligation, no-cost consultation on PRP injections near Detroit MI, please reach out to the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine today at (248) 216-1008.

EMG Testing 10 Year Certified
American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians Logo
American Association of Orthopaedic Medicine
American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Interventional Orthobiologics Foundation
Are You A Candidate?

Take Advantage of New Advances in Medical Technology

Contact the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine Today and Schedule Your Office Visit

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