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Regenerative Medicine Near Southfield MI

Regenerative medicine near Southfield MI encompasses a number of beneficial medical techniques designed to harness the natural healing powers of the human body to repair itself and recover from a number of debilitating ailments.

Injuries and sprains are both problems that cause pain, and don’t typically offer a suitable treatment option. If we are of a certain age that pain can become a long-term issue, affecting the quality of our day-to-day lives. Injuries can be a result of trauma or can come from overuse. Other related ailments can develop over time because of hereditary factors or simply as a result of the natural aging process. Regenerative medicine near Southfield MI offers a safe alternative to techniques involving surgery, or a long-term course of dangerously addictive opioid-based pain medication.

Avoid Surgery and Addictive Prescription Drugs

Contact the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine Today and Schedule Your Office Visit

Regenerative Medicine Near Southfield MI Could be the Solution That You’ve Been Looking For

Among the regenerative medicine techniques offered by the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine near Southfield MI we can offer both Stem Cell Therapy, and Platelet-Rich Plasma or PRP treatment.

Stem Cell Therapy is one way of treating people who have suffered damage to their tendons or ligaments, or who are suffering from degenerative arthritis. Stem cells (which have the unique ability to turn into various types of cell as the body needs) are harvested from the patient’s own body and then injected into the areas affected by an ailment or injury. As our youthful stem cells are more efficient than the ones we produce later in life, cells can be banked when patients are young and reintroduced when required at a later date.

PRP treatment is a way of enriching the platelets (red blood cells) found in a patient’s own blood supply. Red blood cells are highly efficient at repairing damaged tissues. PRP is a way of ‘super-charging’ a patient’s blood so it can do one of the jobs it is required to do, albeit much more efficiently and effectively.

Certified Advanced Hip Orthobiologic Core Injection Skills
Certified Intermediate Spine Orthobiologic Injections
Certified Advanced Knee Orthobiologic Core Injection Skills
APCA Registered in Musculoskeletal Sonography

Contact the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine Near Southfield MI Today

If you are suffering from an ailment that shows no sign of improvement, and you are not keen to be placed under the surgeon’s knife or to run the risk of becoming reliant on opioid-based painkillers, then regenerative medicine near Southfield MI could be just the solution that you are looking for. To learn more, please contact the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine today. We can be contacted by phone at (248) 216-1008 or online using our contact form.

EMG Testing 10 Year Certified
American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians Logo
American Association of Orthopaedic Medicine
American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Interventional Orthobiologics Foundation
Are You A Candidate?

Take Advantage of New Advances in Medical Technology

Contact the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine Today and Schedule Your Office Visit

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