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Regenerative Medicine near Plymouth MI

Regenerative medicine near Plymouth MI involves the emergence of ‘new’ dynamic therapies that have the potential of fundamentally changing the way we currently deal with injury, trauma and pain. These therapies typically revolve around treatments involving the repair, replacement or regeneration of cells and tissues that – because of some event – are not functioning as well as they should.

Typically, such issues include injuries or trauma of some kind. Sometimes the issues arise as a result of the body’s natural aging processes. Many therapies included under the term of regenerative medicine – which can be supplied by us here at the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine – move beyond traditional solutions such as surgery or the use of pain medication.

Avoid Surgery and Addictive Prescription Drugs

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Regenerative Medicine Near Plymouth MI Can Really Help You Deal with Injury, or Aging

The kinds of treatments available as regenerative medicine near Plymouth MI include tissue engineering, stem cell transplantation and the enriching of blood plasma. The therapies work by helping the body regenerate damaged tissue by stimulation. The stimulation is achieved by harvesting the body’s own natural resources, enhancing them and then returning to the body so that they can help the body repair itself.

There is nothing ‘unnatural’ about regenerative medicine near Plymouth MI. All the processes involved simply enhance what your body is perfectly capable of doing – or at least would be able to do if not for trauma, injury or the aging process itself.

Certified Advanced Hip Orthobiologic Core Injection Skills
Certified Intermediate Spine Orthobiologic Injections
Certified Advanced Knee Orthobiologic Core Injection Skills
APCA Registered in Musculoskeletal Sonography

Traditional Alternatives to Regenerative Medicine near Plymouth MI Are Not as Safe as They Should Be

The traditional solutions to injury or persistent pain are surgery and pain relief medicine. Surgery is intrusive and recovery can be painful. There is also always the possibility of things not going as they should – such as an infection developing or complications arising during the surgery itself. The perils of pain relief medication are already well documented with the United States currently being in the grips of the ‘opioid epidemic’. It is all too easy for your body to become reliant upon pain medication, even when the pain has gone away and there is no longer any need for you to rely upon it.

This is a safer alternative to traditional solutions to trauma recovery and long-term pain – regenerative medicine near Plymouth MI, including therapies provided by us here at the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine. To learn more, please contact us at (248) 216-1008 or use the online contact form that’s available here.

EMG Testing 10 Year Certified
American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians Logo
American Association of Orthopaedic Medicine
American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Interventional Orthobiologics Foundation
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Take Advantage of New Advances in Medical Technology

Contact the Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine Today and Schedule Your Office Visit

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